A long time ago, in an Internet far, far away, I stumbled over the old contents of this website, yhwhy.blogspot.com, and was astounded to discover an entirely new way of looking at the Old Testament. It was an irreverent, virulently badmouthed look at it, and the different voices it appeared to be written in.
I never actually kept up with the blog, preferring instead to wait until he was finished so I didn't fall into the excruciating per-chapter or per-book waits I did with the Dresden books (delicious, delicious mental junk food,) or with Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality (delicious, delicious rational brain food.)
Today, I checked again to see how far along YHWHY was.
And he was gone.
And I was sad.
But Blogspot tells me the page is open. And so, what better way to ask, "Where have you gone, YHWHY?" than to post on his old site?
Where have you gone, YHWHY?
Some of us miss you. (sadface)
The best place to ask that question would be the dying PoE-News forums (http://www.poe-news.com/forums/fs.php?si=31), where this blog originated. The writer's handle there is Slagathor.. Here is his user page: http://www.poe-news.com/fshow.php?userid=5454, as you can see he has about 15000 posts to keep you occupied, at least until the admins finally pull the plug on those forums...
ReplyDeleteYou are kind to point me in the right direction! May my search bear fruit in the form of a resurrected YHWHY! (Of some sort. At least an explanation..)
DeleteI also once spoke with him (I remembered the name he posted under, and just google-searched it). He posted under the name of "Alexi Amnirov", and I got in contact with him on some random forum where he actually gave me access to the blog again (for a while he had it set for invite-only), and also told me that he had been toying around with the idea of making his blog into a book.
DeleteThis information is all dated, at least a year old now, but maybe it'll help! Have you had any luck in contacting him?
Thank you! I have triangulated that name as likely linked to the blog that was here predating this one. That was incredibly helpful. I still have not been able to successfully contact him, however. There appear to be carefully erased traces of the name all over the place. It makes me think something or somebody got to him and whatever it/whoever it was convinced him that deleting this blog and all kinds of references to his "name" was the best idea.
DeleteDid you ever get any more information (from that one commenter whose comment is since deleted) or make contact with the original author at all?
DeleteI did not hear back from the original yhwhy after sending an email.
ReplyDeleteI archived a good deal of this blog and will send it on if you give a contact email.
I also know who the author was, but I will respect their right to discretion.
A random human
Hello. I am apparently an idiot and did not retrieve your message in time. Would you take pity on my slothlike self and give me another chance? I didn't expect you to reply so quickly.
DeleteHello! Thank you again for helping me overcome my inertia! I have the PDF you sent me, and it's a beautiful work. Thank you. In your note to me, you said that there was still "half missing." Do you mean there was half of the writing that Yhwhy'd posted but which you didn't manage to capture, or do you mean there was just half of the bible that Yhwhy never managed to get to?
DeleteSo, I've got a copy of the PDF which a reader has kindly said I should share onwards. If the sender changes his mind, please do let me know. If the original Yhwhy would prefer I take it down, PLEASE let me know. Meanwhile here it is. I can't guarantee how long it will remain up, and you'll need the Tor Browser Bundle in order to see it at all:
Years later...how do I go about getting this?
DeleteHello Jeff. If you download and install the Tor Browser, the link can be directly entered into the URL bar and viewed.
ReplyDeleteThat's a link to a specific article on the old site. put that into the wayback machine at archive.org . That will get you their archived copy of that page--
You can use the sidebar there to get the URL's for all the posts up to that date, and then feed those into archive.org to get copies of those. If any of those pages have a more recent copy of the page, they may yield links to more recent articles. Ideally you want the URL to the last post made on the blog, whose sidebar should have the complete listing of articles.
Hmm... looks like the wayback machine has some more useful tools.
Those two links probably list everything the wayback machine has. I hear that he took the site offline because he in talks about a book deal-- which presumably never happened.
--All the
Being unsatisfied with the fragments I've downloaded, I wander back here occasionally hoping for more... maybe one day my wish will be granted. I really enjoyed this angry, contemptuous, and very scholarly look at the Bible.
ReplyDeleteWell I'm a different person, so unfortunately that will likely never happen. Oh well.